понедельник, 26 апреля 2021 г.

Rosehip in cosmetics #Smirupovkusu

Wild ancestor of the beauty rose meets
in our country in
East, grows this prickly
copses, Gardens

Therapeutic value is mainly fruits that have a peculiar vitamin coma
fruits contain vitamins C, B,and R. K.
provitamin A (carotene), sugar, organic
acids (malic, citric), mineral
pectins and colorants. For
salt, glucosidch, with rosehip
vitamin content
It is significantly superior to this stench
melon, lemon, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper
In 100 g of fresh fruit
470 milligrams
vitamin C, B
100 g of dried fruit
1200 milligrams. Rosehip (fruits, leaves,
roots) are widely used as in the people
both in scientific medicine and in the treatment of
a number of ailments, pharmaceutical industry-

News produces the drug "Holosas", which
doctors prescribe for cholecystitis, HEPA-
titach as a choleretic agent, and oil
extract "carotene", which is used to treat some
rosehip oil, and for some-an infusion of
for normal, dry and aging skin-
the creams "Princess" and "Lesya" include
it is advisable to use skin wiping
fruits. These creams are designed for
Roy. At home for masks,
Rosehip is also popular in cosmetics. Yeah,
skin diseases.
fortified liquid made from
submerge for 6--10 minutes in hot water
through a sieve. The resulting mass is poured
(blanch), grind and wipe
dry fruits. To do this, the fruits are washed
boiling water and insist 8-10 hours, then
filter it out. It is advisable to use a partner
within two to three days, keeping it
in the fridge.
You can also do this; a tablespoon
crushed dried rosehip fruits pour
a glass of boiling water, in an enamel pot
boil under the tire for 5 minutes,
and when it settles, drain it. Wash your face

it should be cooled with a decoction.
Dry as well as aging skin is useful
wipe with an infusion of 13 fresh petals
rosehips. To do this they need small ones
chop, two tablespoons pour glass-
with boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes
in an enamel or glass vessel, cooled-
drain and strain.

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